Your mission—should you choose to accept it

Live, laugh, learn, love

What do you think of when you hear the word “mission?” Mysterious secret agents with self-destructing recordings? Clean-cut young adults with name tags and scriptures? Carefully-crafted corporate purpose statements?

Have your ever thought of it in terms of a personal mission statement? A statement that defines your personal life philosophy—an ethical and behavioral touchstone, if you will. That sounds pretty heavy, but a mission statement doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I believe the simpler the better. Some of my favorite are one liners:

  • 3M: To solve unsolved problems innovatively.
  • Green Berets: To free the oppressed.
  • Marty Seligman: To increase the tonnage of happiness in the world.

I chose a simple quote as my mission statement: Live, laugh, learn, and love. This succinct phrase is something I can easily remember and even repeat to myself mantra-style when necessary.

This mission statement represents my four core values:

  1. Health and fitness
  2. Joy—mine and others
  3. Lifelong learning and growth
  4. Meaningful relationships

Ideally, my mission statement works like this:

When I’m struggling to decide where to focus my time and energies, I ask myself if the activity in question supports one or more of these areas.

When I’m setting goals, I consider how they fit in with these values.

Now that I’m contemplating what my life after career might look like, my mission statement and values serve as a guide.

Over the next four weeks, I will use this blog to focus on one value per post—at least that’s the plan, I sometimes tend to wander. I’ll be examining what I’m doing now to cultivate each value and how I might incorporate it into my “retired” life.

If you have a personal mission statement, I’d love to hear it.

If you would like some prompts to help craft your individual mission statement, I recommend Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide by Caroline Adams Miller.

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