Summer 2019 Bucket List update 1

Summer 2019 Bucket List update 1

The first month of summer has flown by, and it’s time to check in our summer bucket lists. Have you accomplished what you had hoped to so far? I’m feeling pretty good about my progress, but let’s look closer, and see if that confidence is warranted. Health & Fitness 1. Train for and complete the…

Run, run as fast as you can

Run, run as fast as you can

This week starts my official training for the Utah Valley 10K. This year, my sister Cindy is running it with me, and I am super excited. I typically use a Hal Higdon training program, and like most programs, his stop just shy of the race distance. In other words, for a 10K, the last long…

Let’s get moving!

Let’s get moving!

LIVE, laugh, learn and love Health and fitness Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.  ~ Edward Stanley When I first started exercising and trying to eat right (that’s still a struggle for me—how I love my sweets…and my bread…and my cheese…and…