April is in the books…almost…looking forward to May

Mother Nature is temperamental in April…at least where I live…but come May, she settles into spring, and I couldn’t be happier. As we’ve come to the final week of the month, it is time once again to check in on my monthly goal progress and set new goals for May.

Apricot Mallows in the desert.

As a reminder, instead of New Year’s Resolutions or a Word of the Year, this year I plan to set monthly goals that support my core values: health and fitness, joy, learning and growth, and relationships.

Health and fitness

April progress

Address my frozen shoulder with physical therapy. I wrote a separate post on my diagnosis and treatment for frozen shoulder. I am happy to report that after just three weeks of physical therapy, I am feeling much better. My therapist reports that my range of motion is at 90 percent. I will continue doing stretches and some structural strength exercises at home, but will not require any further doctor or therapist appointments, unless I run into complications, so I can call this goal completed!

May goal

I find myself in need of a new primary care physician, so my health and fitness goal for May is to research physicians in my area, make a tentative selection, and schedule an introductory appointment.


April progress

Meet friends from Canada and Mexico in Las Vegas. We have our reservations made and are ready to go! Barring any unforeseen circumstances, this will be “mission accomplished” by the end of the month.

May goal

Get a massage. I want to get back in the habit of having a monthly massage. Lately it’s been hit and miss. Time to get back on track!

Growth and learning

April progress

Choose between my three “scary, but exciting” project ideas: walk a Camino de Santiago, attend a writer’s conference, or enroll in a wellness coaching course. I have narrowed the list: eliminating the writer’s conference and putting the Camino on the shelf for now. The final decision left to make is whether I will enroll in a wellness coaching course. The mindbodygreen course that intrigues me most starts in June, so I have a little time to finalize my decision. More to come.

May goals

1. Make a final decision on the mindbodygreen coaching course. If it’s a yes, enroll.

2. Visit the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon West Rim, both places I’ve never been before.


April progress

Perform weekly intentional acts of kindness…things like paying for someone’s meal, sending a love letter, leaving an extra generous tip, or hiding a small surprise for someone to find. Mission accomplished! 

May goal

1. Take a road trip with our friends from British Columbia and then have them stay with us in our home.

2. Have our daughter and granddaughters come stay with us later in the month. Celebrate one granddaughter’s high school graduation while they are here.

Scheduling Note

I will be on a blogging break for the next two weeks. I will be back with a new post on 05/14/24.

Your turn

  1. What have you been up to in April?
  2. Do you have any fun plans for May?
  3. What else is on your mind? Anything at all; I just love to hear from you.

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  1. I wish you all the best in your search for a new primary care physician. Before I found the great practice we go to now, I ended up with a weirdo quack. It rattled my confidence in the medical system.

    Your May travel plans sound wonderful. I know you’ll take great photos and share them here so that I, we, can live vicariously through you. Safe travels.

    1. Thank you, Ally. It is tough finding the right fit with physicians. I’ll need all the luck I can get.

      And you can be sure there will be plenty of photos from our road trip. I’m really looking forward to it.

  2. Hello Christie, finding a new physician is not easy. We had to go through the process when we relocated back to Brisbane, however, we found a medical centre through recommendations. The doctors are all caring and Mike and I have each found our own physician to take care of our needs. I’m so pleased your shoulder is recovering. Good luck with your goals and thanks so much for sharing with us at #WBOYC? x

    1. I’m happy to hear that you and Mike were successful finding new doctors. We are seeking recommendations from trusted friends and family in our area and hoping we will have good results as well. Thanks, as always, for hosting #WBOYC?.

  3. Hi, Christie – Thank you for joining us for #WBOYC. Enjoy your upcoming road trip and your time with your granddaughters. Good luck with your decision on your mindbodygreen coaching course. Please keep us posted.

    1. Thank you for hosting #WBOYC, Donna. We are really looking forward to our time with friends and family this coming month, and I am so excited to see the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. I will definitely keep you posted.

  4. Hi Christie, it seems like you made a lot of progress in April, with exciting plans for May. Finding a reliable GP is essential at our age and moving forward. We were lucky to find a good physician with new patient openings and have been with him for about six years. The monthly massage sounds like a great idea. Glad to hear your ‘frozen shoulder’ is recovering. 90% is fantastic at this point.

  5. You ticked lots of boxes in April. My May goals are to get back into a daily walking routine (I’ve slipped) and 3 strength sessions each week (*really* slipped). We’re also away for a weekend to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Good luck with your walking and strength goals, Joanne. And especially have a great time celebrating your anniversary. 30 years of marriage is an impressive accomplishment.

  6. Hi Christie – good luck with finding a new GP, and I like your idea of scheduling a monthly massage – that’s been my intent for the year and it’s something I really look forward to. Enjoy your time with friends and your break away from the blogging world. See you on your return. x

    1. Thank you, Leanne. I really enjoyed monthly massages, and don’t know how I let that slip, but I’m ready to get back into the routine. I’ll “see” you when I get back!

  7. Good luck with finding a new physician. We lucked out when we moved here as we followed the advice of Himself’s supervisor who’s lived in the area all her life. So grateful that we did as the medical centre closest to us seems to be overwhelmed and cannot service their patients well.

    I am reminded that I intended to schedule some regular pampering time, but it never happened. Just like my intended art gallery visits. No wonder I’ve been feeling blah of late. Time to up my “me” time 🙂 Thanks Christie for the reminder. Enjoy your break!

  8. Hope you are enjoying your blog break and doing all kinds of fun things with those you love most. I had forgotten about the random acts of kindness that we used to do until I read about them here. I used to like to go downtown and put money in the parking meters. Should do that again!! And what a great idea to hide a little surprise where someone else will find it. I am going to follow your good lead and get back to being intentional about kindness.
    Glad you have a getaway planned with friends. And the wellness coaching course sounds intriguing. I think you would be an amazing couch, with so much empathy and passion to share.

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