Favorite fall quotes and pics

It is officially autumn (aka fall) in the Northern Hemisphere. I always enjoy the changing of seasons, but autumn is by far my favorite. Last year was challenging for me, but I am happy to report that my usual autumn joy has returned for 2022.

In celebration, I decided to forego my typical weekly blog post and instead share some of my favorite fall quotes and pics from years past.

Fall leaves.

The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.”


Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.”

~Frederich Nietzsche
Fall leaves.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

~Albert Camus
Pumpkin ale in frosty mug.

If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.”

~Victoria Erickson
Rainbow over a canyon in fall.

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.”

~Jim Bishop
University of Utah nail art.

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

~L.M. Montgomery
Fall leaves.

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”

~Lauren Destefano
Dutch Bros coffee cup in fall leaves.

I can smell autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin, and crisp sunburnt leaves.”

~Ann Drake

Your turn

  1. What is your favorite season and why?
  2. Do you have a favorite seasonal quote?
  3. What else is on your mind? Anything at all; I just love to hear from you.

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  1. Pretty pictures! Every season is my favorite at the very beginning of each one. However I would be happy if summer and winter were a bit shorter. I’m sure on the calendar they’re equal in days, but spring and fall always seem shorter to me.

    1. As far as calendar seasons, I think all are the same…but as far as climate, spring and fall are definitely shorter in Utah. Plus winter especially just feels longer, doesn’t it? In my perfect world, winter would be confined to December. ?

  2. I love autumn best too. Although we don’t get nearly the leaf display other areas do, I am grateful for those who planted liquid ambers in their yards. We also get our best weather in the fall so I’m doing a happy dance. I love how Camus compared autumn leaves to flowers… yes!

  3. Hi Christie – we’re just coming into Spring here in Australia, but I do think that Autumn is my favourite season…..maybe because I associate it with this stage of life (as per: “autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature”) so it resonates with me on a deeper level. I loved all your Autumn shades and the quotes were beautiful.

    1. Thank you Leanne. It was fun going through my photos and comparing the various autumn seasons over the years and then matching them up to quotes. Happy spring to you! Spring is pretty wonderful too.

  4. Hi, Christie – Your fall pics are absolutely wonderful and have helped get me excited about the season ahead. Our weather on Vancouver Island continues to be warm and sunny — I am still wearing shorts and t-shirts. Sadly, I know that this will end soon.

    1. We are actually still in shorts weather for the most part here too, Donna, but at least it’s not the extreme heat we experienced over the summer, and our evenings and mornings are cool now, which I love. I do hate to give up my flip-flops. I’m not a big fan of socks and shoes.

  5. I loved that Christie. Thank you. The first quote about ‘dead things” spot on! I miss seeing seasonal changes here on the coast but next year when we are back in a colder/hotter part of Sydney the advantage is that I will be closer to visiting towns and cities again where they do Autumn beautifully!!

    Thanks so much for linking up this week for Wednesday’s Words and Pics Link Up.

    Looking forward to connecting with you more again soon.

    Next week, I am back with my story about following my heart!

    Warmest wishes,


  6. It’s so nice to see your autumn photos Christie and those quotes are perfect. We’re in spring now with the weather not quite warm but the garden is growing so it knows what’s happening!! Enjoy your lovely colours 🙂

    1. Thank you Debbie. We are in the in-between period too…where one day feels like summer and the next it’s truly fall, but the cooler evenings and changing leaves let us know it is happening. Happy spring to you!

  7. Beautiful photos Christie, thanks for sharing them <3 Autumn/fall is my favourite season, even though you do it so much better over on your side of the pond that we do. We don't get nearly enough red in our leaves!

    Even though spring is generally considered the time for fresh starts, I'm feeling lots of energy around this seasonal change. It may be because my mother relocating to the US has freed up a lot of time and emotional energy, or because I've started to work with a new coach, but whatever the reason, I'm happy to have it flowing through me again.

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