2 months into 2024 and I’m feeling fine

2 months into 2024 and I’m feeling fine

We’re two months into 2024, and for the most part, my brain seems to have caught up. I only occasionally still refer to 2023 in the date.  And the really good news is I am on track to complete all of my February goals. While we still have a week left in this month, I…

I couldn’t have said it better myself: 5 of my favorite love quotes

I couldn’t have said it better myself: 5 of my favorite love quotes

In sticking with this month’s theme of loving kindness, I thought I’d share some of my favorite quotes on the topic…covering everything from self-love to love of all humankind and everything in between. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. “Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the…

Won’t you join me for a day of loving kindness this Valentine’s Day?

Won’t you join me for a day of loving kindness this Valentine’s Day?

We are quickly approaching Valentine’s Day…the day of love, all pink and red, cupids and hearts, chocolates and flowers…a Hallmark delight.  Over the years, I have acknowledged Valentine’s Day on this blog with posts about self-care, heart health, and love stories. As I pondered what I wanted to do this year, I decided to take…

Thank you notes: little bits of gratitude from January 2024

Thank you notes: little bits of gratitude from January 2024

I will not be repeating the photos I shared last week on my January goal update, but rest assured, I am deeply grateful for those things too…especially my 25 years of marriage with my wonderful husband. Thank you Southern Utah winters… …for being mild enough to allow for comfortable walks outdoors with the aforementioned husband….

The end is in sight…coming through January with a smile

The end is in sight…coming through January with a smile

We are nearing the end of what I am quite sure is the longest month of the year. Typically, December seems to fly by…and then Father Time takes his foot off the gas, and January stretches on long past its welcome, leaving me feeling like a kid on a too-long road trip. Are we there…

How do you cope with election anxiety?

How do you cope with election anxiety?

Buckle up…here we go again! In the United States, 2024 is a presidential election year. While all elections are stressful…those relentless trash-talk ads, the potential for conflict among friends and family members, and of course, the fact that there is so much at stake: our personal freedoms, our health and safety, perhaps democracy itself.…but this…

How and why to strengthen your core

How and why to strengthen your core

I wish I had a nickel for every situp or crunch I did in my younger days, trying to get those washboard abs or at least a flat stomach. I’ve let that dream go, along with the situps. That doesn’t mean I’ve given up trying to strengthen my core…and with good reason. What is your…

What’s in store for 2024?

What’s in store for 2024?

Well, we did it…we survived 2023! Hopefully, you thrived through at least parts of it. The beginning of a new year inspires introspection for many of us…either looking back to evaluate the past year or looking forward to what we hope to accomplish in the new year…perhaps both. I long ago gave up New Year’s…

Learning from the children this Christmas

Learning from the children this Christmas

While I was thinking about what message I would like to share with you this Christmas, I saw this story on CBS Sunday Morning, and I knew there was nothing I could say that would top this. So I invite you to take three minutes to watch this touching story about an amazing teacher and…

A letter to my 40-year-old self

A letter to my 40-year-old self

My youngest daughter turns 40 this year. First of all, how did that happen? I can’t possibly be old enough to have children in their 40s! Anyway, back to the topic at hand. As Ashley prepares for this milestone, she is asking for advice…things we wished we had known when we were 40. Since I’ve…