The world needs more love letters

The world needs more love letters

Let me start by thanking you all for the great conversation on last week’s Thank You Notes post. I was particularly intrigued by the input on handwritten notes versus texts. I admit I lean toward sending texts these days, as it is more immediate…and let’s face it, easier and cheaper. That said, I still love…

Thank you notes: little bits of gratitude from November

Thank you notes: little bits of gratitude from November

I build the Thank You Notes posts around the photos I’ve taken over the month. While I have much to celebrate this month, I find I took very few pictures…and none of the people in my life. Please know that I am deeply grateful for the many friends and family that grace my life. A…

Ask and you shall receive: photos of my new hearing aids

Ask and you shall receive: photos of my new hearing aids

Last week, I introduced you to my fancy new Signia hearing aids. Some of you noticed that I failed to include any real discussion of how they look and asked if I would be willing to share some photos of the product and of me wearing them. First, thank you for pointing out that oversight….

My experience as a first-time hearing aid user

My experience as a first-time hearing aid user

A couple of months ago, as autumn was just beginning, and all things seemed possible, I created a Fall Possibilities list. I started out strong and then got busy and lost track…as we humans tend to do. Still, it is a possibilities list and not a to-do list…and some of those possibilities have become reality…so…

Thank you notes from Mazatlán

Thank you notes from Mazatlán

Of course, when you spend a couple of weeks in beautiful Mazatlán, it’s easy to be grateful. I hope reading this blog post won’t be too much like being forced to sit through someone’s vacation slideshow. (Did I just date myself with the slideshow reference?) Anyway…without further ado… Thank you Mazatlán for the tasty food…

These are a few of my favorite things

These are a few of my favorite things

I’m feeling extra generous this week, so I thought I’d share a few of my favorite things with you. Well, not like sending-you-products generous…just letting-you-know-about them-so-you-can-get-yourself-some generous! So queue the Julie Andrews music and let’s get started! softlips vanilla lip protectant/sunscreen I was introduced to this lip protectant when it was given to me in…

Spoken like a true Libra

Spoken like a true Libra

Let me start out with a big thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s getting to know you exchange. Many of the questions directed to me started with “What is your favorite…” If you read the responses, you now know that I may be just a little indecisive. My answers mostly said something…

Thank you notes – September 2023 & Fall Possibilities update

Thank you notes – September 2023 & Fall Possibilities update

In addition, this month I will be including a couple of updates to my Fall Possibilities list for those who may be interested. Thank you autumn… …for the many treats of the season, including some of my favorites…pumpkin anything, seasonal candles, University of Utah football, and red wine (okay red wine is good no matter…

Is it better to breath through your nose or your mouth?

Is it better to breath through your nose or your mouth?

If you’re like me, you don’t pay much attention to how you breathe…unless something is interfering with your breathing. As long as that life-sustaining oxygen is getting into your lungs, you’re happy.  But did you know there is a “right” way or at least a healthier way to breathe? And that is through your nose. …