I have a confession to make…or several

Six years ago, I shared some confessions with you. I decided it would be fun…for me at least, and I hope for you too…to relook at those confessions and see if anything has changed.

A typewriter with TRUTH typed on the page.

Here is the original content with the updates in bold:

I have a confession to make. Well, actually I have several. Then I hope you’ll return the favor. I thought it might be a fun way to get to know each other better. They say confession is good for the soul, right?

  1. I stole this idea from Hungry Runner Girl. I’m obsessed with her blog and a little jealous of the number of followers she has and how much they interact with her. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I hope she’ll take it as a compliment. I still enjoy checking in with Hungry Runner Girl on occasion, though less consistently, and I am pleased to report I am no longer jealous. I am deeply grateful for the close connection I have with my little blogging community.
  2. I never fill my gas tank until the warning light comes on. Most times, Larry is kind enough to fill it for me before it gets to that point. He has a hard time looking at the gauge once it’s below half. After having been informed that it is mechanically better for my vehicle not to let the gas level drop below a quarter tank, I now use the one-quarter mark as my signal to fill up. (See, you can teach an old dog new tricks!)
  3. I eat dessert every night. I used to tell myself I wasn’t going to and then spend the evening justifying why it was okay if I did. Now I’ve just accepted that about myself. I have a demanding sweet tooth. That t-shirt that says, “I run because I like cookies (or cupcakes or pie),” that’s my truth. I still eat something sweet every night. I have no intention of changing that. And while I am running less, I have taken up Orangetheory Fitness, and I am doing more yoga.
  4. I’ve never been to Disneyland. Amusement parks aren’t really my thing, and I don’t have a burning desire to go—but sometimes I think I should, just to put an end to the shocked faces I get when I say I’ve never been. Nope, I’ve still never been to Disneyland.
  5. I haven’t missed an episode of Survivor since the very first one. I imagine myself out there kicking butt, but I wouldn’t last a day without cold, clean water and a flush toilet. And the bugs, snakes, and rodents! Not happening. I still haven’t missed an episode of Survivor. I don’t look forward to it in the same way that I used to, but I continue to get sucked in.
  6. I’ve eaten half a bag of tortilla chips—by myself—in one sitting—more than once. I know better than to eat them straight from the bag, but every once in a while I rebel and do it anyway. They taste better that way. I haven’t done this recently, but I won’t commit to never doing it again!
  7. I love words, especially when they are arranged in such a way that they sound beautiful to the ear and inspire the heart and mind. “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.” ~ Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale My love affair with words continues strong, and I hope it never changes.
  8. I weigh myself every morning before brushing my teeth—because you know that extra ounce of water is going to weigh something! I am pleased to report I have given up the daily weigh-in. For a time, I banned the scales completely in order to make a clean break from my obsession. When I grew out of my clothes (I blame COVID), I compromised with a once a week weigh in. That seems to be working.
  9. I want to be Judge Judy when I grow up—call people on their crap, say things like, “This is my playground.” “Ridiculous!” “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” I want to use “kerfuffle” in everyday conversation. I still enjoy the occasional episode of Judge Judy and slipping the word “kerfuffle” into a conversation, but I’m less interested in calling people on their crap and more interested in recognizing their goodness.
  10. I really, REALLY want you to comment on my blog with some confessions of your own. PLEASE! Ready, set, go! Nothing has changed here. I still really, REALLY want to hear something about you. Pretty please!

Your turn

True confession: tell us something about yourself.

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Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

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  1. Hi Christie:

    I always enjoy reading your blog posts but I especially loved this one. I giggled when I read about Judge Judy: Confession #1 – I loathe confrontation. A lot! I’ll walk away (from a business or personal relationship) and/or even tell a small fib to avoid confrontation of any sort.

    Confession #2 – I have almost no self-confidence, ‘though I try my best to conceal that from everyone (’til now, obvs).

    That’s enough mortification for one day!

    Love, Pam.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed my confessions, Pam. I enjoyed putting them together. As for your confessions, I can relate. I’m not big on confrontation either. I’ll avoid it if I can. I will say I’ve gotten better at standing my ground when necessary. Another advantage of age and experience, I think. Still, I’m not one who is looking for an argument. As for your self-confidence, it obviously took some confidence to share that fact, so there’s that. If you are looking for a confidence-building exercise, here’s one I recommend. Make a list of your accomplishments–big or small–and then list the skills or characteristics that were required to accomplish those things. You’ll see that you have a pretty good toolset to face life’s challenges. Hopefully, that breeds some confidence. On the other hand, if you weren’t looking for advice, please disregard. ? Thank you for playing along!

  2. That was fun to read! I would say what I identified with most was the one about getting weighed. My life was a mix of daily weight check along with punishing inner thoughts for a long time…and then, I ignored my weight (overweight) for a long time too.
    I sure did see, and can still see, my self approval being about size. Now, still coming to terms with “what is” after my bout with cancer and can say I am not as obsessed with numbers but how I look and feel! I am alive and well, at 72! And, for what it’s worth, have stayed the same weight for 4 years!


    1. It’s interesting to me how much power we give that number on the scale. If we can reach a point where it is just one piece of information and not a judgment of worth, how much healthier and more realistic would that be? It sounds like we’ve both gotten closer to that point. There’s nothing like a serious health scare to put things in perspective and remind us of how wonderful a healthy body is at any size. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with us, Denyse.

  3. Hi Christie – I really enjoyed your update and I think it shows how much you’ve grown in grace and self-assurance since the first one. You’re more able to recognize your own worth and talents and that last one about looking for goodness rather than judging is the perfect example.

    I hope I’m growing in grace and self-assurance too, I certainly feel that I worry less than I used to, that I compare less, and that I’m less bothered by other people’s ‘difficult’ behaviour than I once was. Oh……and I’m not a fan of theme parks either 🙂

    1. Thanks, Leanne. It was an eye-opener for me to see how I’ve changed in subtle, but very real ways. And, yes, I’ve noticed it in your blog posts over the years too. It’s nice to acknowledge our continued growth on occasion. Some things will never change, though…I’m happy to leave the theme parks for those who truly enjoy them!

  4. Hi, Christie- I enjoyed your True Confessions and your updates. My True Confession is that I took 20 years off of driving (14 years when we lived overseas and then the first 6 years after we returned). My update is that I do drive now but I still MUCH prefer to walk when that is an option. 🙂

    1. That is surprising, Donna. I never would have guessed. Although, I don’t love driving, things are fairly spread out around here. Walking is frequently not an option. Of course, now that I say that, I realize if I was willing to walk further, it may be an option more often. It’s all a matter of perspective.

  5. Christie, really enjoyed this post. I like when folks revisit their “past” in this manner. Thoughts…1) I like my little blogging world as well, although with my history I tend to come-and-go. 2) I too use the 1/4 tank metric. 3) I am always going to eat something sweet at night, and consider mowing the lawn with a push mower my yoga. 4) Went to Walt Disney World as part of my honeymoon, but haven’t been to an amusement park since with the exceptions of Six Flags and Hershey (both years ago). 5) The wife and I have seen every episode of Survivor since it began. 6) I too have been guilty of indulging in the tortilla experience as described, but those days are behind me now. 7) I guess I love words because I am still using them! 8) I weigh myself each morning and will “adjust” caloric consumption if I stray too far from my target weight. 9)I have never seen a Judge Judy, but I am definitely Team Goodness! Have a great day, Bruce

  6. This was a super fun read! I’m not sure I could come up with that many confessions…I’m very much an open book. However, for a long time potato chips came in single serving bags (independent of the actual size), I still weigh myself about 4-5 times a week, and i love words. I’m not really a TV watcher anymore… it’s been years since I followed anything. Hubby likes to watch all kinds of programs I find unsettling and I prefer reading, so most evenings, I’m in the back room reading while he watches our one TV. Ice cream is my after dinner sweet, but not every night. Oh, and I’ve been to both Disney Land and Disney World…. we live only 1.5 hours from Disney World now and some folks here get yearly passes (at a resident rate) – I’m not sure I’m up for that as it sounds just too complicated anymore to figure out the park systems. (Goodness I sound old!)

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Pat. And thanks for playing along. While I still watch a fair amount of TV, I do prefer reading and will often read while my husband watches a show I don’t find engaging. At the moment, I’m reading Music of Bees, which I love! Do you have a favorite genre or author?

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