Choosing a Word of the Year in 4 easy steps

Woman reading the dictionary.

Here we are in the first week of a new year…long enough for many people to have set and broken their New Year’s Resolutions. Or perhaps you are among the more than 57 percent of people that don’t set resolutions at all. If you’re not feeling the New Year’s Resolution thing, but still want to direct your focus for the coming year, choosing a Word of the Year is a great alternative. A Word of the Year can be a kinder, more flexible approach to growth…without the pass or fail mentality.

Four steps to choosing a Word of the Year

But how do you go about choosing one word out of the nearly 172,000 words in the English language? 

  1. Brainstorm. I like to focus on how I want to feel. Think about what feelings you want to have more of this year. Make a list of all the words that come to mind. Don’t self-edit. This is brainstorming after all; there are no right or wrong answers.
  2. Narrow the list to a more manageable size, perhaps three or four. Once you’ve dumped all the words that come to mind on paper (or the computer screen), read through them. Which ones jump out at you? Which words cause a reaction—whether that is excitement, joy, peace, or fear? (Sometimes the words that scare us are exactly what we need.) Highlight those words.
  3. Wait for a couple of days. Sit with your word candidates. Meditate on them. Sleep on them…literally. Ask yourself just before sleep which word is your word. Give it some time to soak in. Pay attention to what the Universe presents to you in those days. You may see your word in books or hear it come up in conversations or be presented to you in other ways.
  4. Choose one. What is your heart…your gut…telling you that you need more of this year. Choose that word. Still not sure? Choose one at random. Just choose, so you can get started without further delay.

Fun ways to incorporate your Word of the Year into your daily life

Now that you have chosen your Word of the Year, what do you do with it? Here are just a few ideas. I’m sure you can think of more…and I hope you’ll share them with us in the comments.

  1. Write it down and post it somewhere that you will see it daily.
  2. Create a piece of artwork or a vision board around your word.
  3. Meditate on your word. Set an intention to implement the word into your day.
  4. Gather quotes about your word.
  5. Create a playlist of songs that use your word.
  6. Journal or blog about your word.
  7. Plan activities centered around your word.

My 2022 Word of the Year

This is what the process looked like for me. Here’s my initial brainstorm list:

  • Energized
  • Curious
  • At Ease
  • Connected
  • Healthy
  • Vibrant
  • Alive
  • Present
  • Joyful
  • Authentic
  • Honest
  • Interested

I narrowed it down to the following:

  • Present
  • Connected
  • Energized
  • Curious

And finally landed on this:


As in connected to the present (not distracted)…connected to my authentic self…connected to my body…connected to my loved ones…connected to all beings…connected to Mother Earth.

Your turn

  1. Do you have a New Year’s Resolution, a Word of the Year, or some other way of resetting and beginning anew?
  2. Any suggestions for incorporating a Word of the Year in your life or sticking with a New Year’s Resolution?
  3. How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day this year?
  4. What else is on your mind? Anything at all…I just love to hear from you.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

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  1. Hi Christie – a great choice of word and I liked reading your process. I tend to jot words down throughout the year that appeal to me and then see if any resonate in the weeks before January. Sometimes something hits me without much introspection and other times I’ve struggled. I’ve picked a really fun word for 2022 as I want to focus on being upbeat and positive – especially with it being the first year in my 60’s too.

    I’m looking forward to seeing how you integrate your word into the year ahead (and it kind of mixed all your words into one because they had a similar theme).

    1. Hello Leanne! Isn’t it interesting how sometimes something just jumps out at us and other times we have to work for it. Yet somehow, if we pay attention, we find what we need. I’m headed over to your blog shortly to learn your word for this year. And you are right, I kept coming back to connected because it seemed to encompass all the words I was considering.

  2. Connected is a great WOTY, Christie. And your process of choosing your word, as well as your suggestions for incorporating it, are excellent. My WOTY is PEACE. I didnt go through a selection process– the word kinda chose me. So far, I’ve incorporated my WOTY by keeping a Peace Journal and by reading different books on this topic. Starting Jan 25, a few bloggers and I will cohost a monthly WOTY linkup so that we can share, encourage and inspire. We’d love for you and others to join us there. More details to follow

    1. I think peace is a perfect WOTY, Donna, and I love it when something chooses you. Your Peace Journal has piqued my interest. Tell me more. And thank you for the monthly WOTY linkup. I would love to participate.

      1. Thanks, Christie – The Peace Journal (or any WOTY journal) is quite simple. It’s a spot to keep reflections revolving around a chosen word and commitment to positive change. For me, it’s also a tool to help keep me accountable so I don’t lose sight of my goal.
        I’m so glad that you will join us in our link up.

  3. FUN is the word that instinctively came to mind, and that is exactly what I intend to cultivate more of in my life! I just want to get back to enjoying life rather than stressing, and fun is the exact opposite of stress in my opinion. ?

  4. My Word of the Year is ENJOY. I decide on them when they come to me, but your process is probably what I’m actually doing subconsciously. Never thought about it before.

  5. Going to try this process. I have selected 2 WOTY in the past. But I don’t do much beyond selecting them. I like your tips for incorporating them into the 365 days of the year.
    Connect is a great word and it has so many connotations and applications. In some ways, I think disconnect would be a good one for me. I have been so caught up in trying to take care of everyone in my family that I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Maybe I need to step back just a little bit from everyone and concentrate on ME this year.

    Happy New Year. I look forward to all of your posts and beautiful photographs in this shiny new year.

    1. I look forward to hearing how the selection process goes for you, Leslie, and what word you choose. I think even selecting the word puts it in your subconscious and out in the Universe, which has an effect. But even if you just do a couple of things to actively incorporate your word, you are one step further in the journey. From what you say, it sounds like your focus should definitely be on self-care. Here’s to a peaceful, kind, joyful 2022!

  6. Great process and powerful word choice Christie! I’ve lost connection with this blogging community a bit — and am hoping to CONNECT more this year. But my WOTY is actually intentionality. I’ve never chosen one before – but it came to me, so here we are…I hope to live with intentionality this year.

  7. I love your process here.
    I don’t set resolutions for myself, but if I had to choose a word for my 2022 goals, I was tossing between Present and Progress.

    No big NYE celebrations for us, even before Covid, we were ‘stay at home’ kind of people.
    Happy 2022 to you.

    1. Thanks Suz. Present and progress are both good words. They are more connected than they may seem at first glance. You need to be present to make and recognize progress. We didn’t have a big celebration either. In fact, we went to bed about 10:30. Happy 2022 to you too!

  8. This is a great and easy to follow post Christie. I do something similar each year to choose my word and sometimes let it sit for a while. I always make sure I have fun with my WOTY, do monthly blog updates, take photos, have a playlist, make it my own and eventually become my word as I did last year with BOLD. This year I’ve chosen GIFT and am hoping to be a gift to others in some way shape or form. Happy days ahead!

    1. I love that you have fun with your WOTY, Debbie. Life should have more intentional fun. You are a gift in so many ways. I’m looking forward to see how setting that as your intention for the year plays out. Here’s to happy days and life with all its gifts!

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