I love BATS! I think you will too.

I love BATS
Photo source: www.lovethispic.com

Here’s something you may not know about me: I like BATS. No, not the mammals with webbed wings that hang upside down in caves and are a staple of Halloween movies (though they’re pretty awesome too). I’m talking about Blessings, Accomplishments, Talents, and Strengths; an exercise from one of my favorite self-help books, Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide.

This research-supported exercise is designed to build the self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-confidence needed to accomplish your goals. And while it is exercise, you won’t be sweating–it’s pretty easy. Simply write down as many things as you can in each column. Whenever you think of another one, add it to the list. Keep your list posted where you will see it often. Review it before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning.

 Blessings  Accomplishments   Talents and Strengths
Big and little things I’m grateful for Big and little things I have accomplished in the past Big and little things I am good at and that people like about me

An important component of accomplishing your goals is self-efficacy, the belief that you have what it takes to get something done or that you can get what it takes. The good news is self-efficacy isn’t something you are either born with or not—it’s something you can develop. Self-efficacy is like a muscle in that it gets stronger with use.

Give it a try and let me know what you think. See if completing your list doesn’t boost your mood immediately and build your confidence over time. If you’re feeling brave (or if you want another entry in next week’s prize drawing), share one item from each column in the comments.

Here are mine:

Blessings: grandchildren that are close (emotionally and geographically)

Accomplishments: a master’s degree

Talents and strengths: open-minded and diplomatic

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  1. I’m going to try this one. I made the chart, now hopefully I’ll keep adding to it. I thought of many things I could add to yours Christie! XOX

    Blessings: a close loving family
    Accomplishments: my children and grandchildren
    Talents and strengths: baking and listening

    1. I’m glad you’re doing this, Cindy. It was eye-opening for me. It actually would be kind of fun to complete one for each other too–see ourselves through someone else’s eyes. Love you!

  2. I’m going to try making the chart and doing this! I really like Cindy’s idea of doing it for someone else – perhaps a friend who doesn’t see their self worth. Good one! Thanks!

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