Friday favorites: giving thanks

Friday favorites: giving thanks

Here we are in the midst of November, a month traditionally dedicated to gratitude and giving thanks. In that spirit, today’s Friday Favorites are in the form of things for which I am thankful. I am thankful for Mother Nature, her beauty and her bounties. We made our final (possibly) trip of the year to…

Happy Thanksgiving & 10 things I am grateful for

Happy Thanksgiving & 10 things I am grateful for

I was going to forego the usual Thanksgiving “Things I’m Grateful For” post, considering Friday Favorites are kind of a weekly thank you list, but then I felt a strange tugging to do it. Maybe it’s all the whining I’ve done lately. I feel the need to do public penance and acknowledge the many blessings…

Friday favorites – so much to be grateful for

Friday favorites – so much to be grateful for

Can you believe it’s November already? The month of gratitude, and I have much for which to be grateful, so this week’s Friday Favorites are in the form of thank yous. Thank you Ashley for having lunch with me, and thank you Zupas for the delicious salad and red pepper soup (and, of course, the…

Friday favorites

Friday favorites

Happy Friday! It’s time to look back on the week and reflect on all of the happy things that happened. Breathe in; be grateful! Thank you Liz and Kevin for our cabin sign. I still smile every time I look at it. Despite the above-mentioned sign and its instruction, I’m going to share a couple of…

Cultivating joy

Cultivating joy

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” ― Leo Buscaglia The other day, as Larry and I drove past the hospital in our neighborhood, I commented to him that it’s been a long time since he’s been there. Then I quickly added, “Knock on wood” and rapped my…

Friday favorites

Friday favorites

It’s Friday, and you know what that means — Friday Favorites! As usual, we headed to Hawkes Landing for the weekend. This time we went over Guardsman’s Pass, and the views are stunning (if a bit scary at times)! The wild flowers are in bloom. We went on several nice hikes. Followed by a frosty mug! The skies were…