Celebrating the change of season

Celebrating the change of season

Here we are approaching another change of season. In the United States, we just passed Labor Day, which is the unofficial beginning of autumn. And in case there was any question in my mind, Labor Day brought a sudden drop in temperature where I live. Autumn is truly in the air. I’ve always found the…

Are you kidding me?!? Or…When life gives you lemons

Are you kidding me?!? Or…When life gives you lemons

What do you do when you are trapped in a seemingly never-ending winter? Well, in this case, when life gave me lemons… I made lemon pound cake. And it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. And I do. (Thank you Wendy at The Monday Box for the recipe.) I also read…

6 cheerful spring quotes to make you smile

6 cheerful spring quotes to make you smile

Spring…the season of new beginnings and revived energy…is here. Astronomically at least, even if Mother Nature isn’t onboard quite yet. I’m ready…ready for warmer days, flowers, birdsong…ready for the renewed energy, hope, and anticipation that come with the earth’s reawakening. While I wait for the weather to catch up to the calendar, I thought I’d…

Favorite fall quotes and pics

Favorite fall quotes and pics

It is officially autumn (aka fall) in the Northern Hemisphere. I always enjoy the changing of seasons, but autumn is by far my favorite. Last year was challenging for me, but I am happy to report that my usual autumn joy has returned for 2022. In celebration, I decided to forego my typical weekly blog…

Fall 2021 bucket list

Fall 2021 bucket list

October is the opal month of the year. It is the month of glory, of ripeness. It is the picture-month. ~Henry Beecher Ward I love the changing seasons…feel blessed to live in a place where we experience all four…though winter sometimes makes me question that. Still, if I were to choose a favorite season it…

Bucket lists: final summer report and fall unveiling

Bucket lists: final summer report and fall unveiling

With all these lovely tokens of September days are here, with summers best of weather and the autumns best of cheer.” ~Helen Hunt Jackson We have truly and officially come to the end of summer…here in the Northern Hemisphere at least. And that means it is time to share the final results of our Summer…

Changing seasons or a different sort of fall

Changing seasons or a different sort of fall

It’s fall…my favorite season…and yet this year feels different. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the cooler mornings, and I’ve already had my first pumpkin drink. It’s just that I’m not getting that invigorating feeling of renewal I usually get at the beginning of a new season.  Perhaps that’s because it feels like we are…

Spring bucket list: 60 before 60 – update 1

Spring bucket list: 60 before 60 – update 1

Where flowers bloom so does hope. Lady Bird Johnson We are one month into spring, flowers are blooming, hope abounds…and it’s time to share an update on our Spring Bucket Lists, or in my case, an update on my 60 before 60 Challenge. Last October, I announced that I would be completing a 60 before 60…

Spring bucket list: 60 before 60

Spring bucket list: 60 before 60

The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing. S. Brown Spring is here, which means my heart is singing…and it’s time to share our Spring Bucket Lists, or in my case, an update on my 60 before 60 Challenge. Last October, I announced that I would be completing a 60 before 60 Challenge in the…