Why does time speed up as we age?

Old man and young boy.

Time flies—and the older you get, the faster it flies. So I’d always been told by my older, wiser family members. They weren’t wrong. 

I recently received a LinkedIn message congratulating me on 22 years of service with my current employer. What?!? That can’t be right. I considered myself “middle-aged” when I arrived for my first day of work. Surely, I haven’t been middle-aged for two decades! 

When I compare the past 22 years to the amount of time I spent in public school, it doesn’t compute. It took me waaaay longer to complete kindergarten through high school…which according to the calendar was the standard 13 years…than it did to get from my first day of work at EMI Health to my 22nd anniversary.

Why is that? Is the clock speeding up? Are the calendar pages flipping faster? No. Ask any child or young adult, and the years still slowly roll on.

But the perception of time speeding up as we age is real, and there are scientific reasons to explain why.

We have fewer new experiences.

According to James M. Broadway, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as published in Scientific American:

Our brain encodes new experiences, but not familiar ones, into memory, and our retrospective judgment of time is based on how many new memories we create over a certain period.

From childhood to early adulthood, we have many fresh experiences and learn countless new skills. As adults, though, our lives become more routine, and we experience fewer unfamiliar moments. As a result, our early years tend to be relatively overrepresented in our autobiographical memory and, on reflection, seem to have lasted longer.

What can we do about it?

The answer then is to keep learning and trying new things. Develop a new hobby. Acquire a new skill. Visit new places. Eat unfamiliar food. If you want to slow down the perception of time, create more memories.

Our mind’s eye slows down.

As described in a recent Quartz article, Duke University mechanical engineering professor Adrian Bejan blames it on physics. 

Time as we experience it represents perceived changes in mental stimuli. It’s related to what we see. As physical mental-image processing time and the rapidity of images we take in changes, so does our perception of time. 

When we get older, the rate at which changes in mental images are perceived decreases because of several transforming physical features, including vision, brain complexity, and later in life, degradation of the pathways that transmit information. And this shift in image processing leads to the sense of time speeding up.

What can we do about it?

While we can’t stop the effects of aging, we can slow it down. Bejan says by sleeping well and living clean, we can alter our perceptions. This, in some sense, slows down mind time.

A moment in time represents a smaller percentage of your life.

For a 10-year-old boy, one year is a full tenth of his life. For a 54-year-old woman, that same year is only 1/54 of her life—a small fraction. So looking back, of course the year seems more significant…or longer…for the child. Or looking forward, the young boy might say, “I can’t drive for six more years. That’s a long time!” The woman may be saying, “Only six years until I’m 60! If it goes as fast as the last six years, it will be here before I know it.”

What can we do about it?

Of course, in real time, each minute is exactly the same length for each of us, no matter our ages. The trick is to stay in the present and truly experience this moment. Be mindful. Tune in. Enjoy.

Your turn

  1. What’s the last new thing you tried?
  2. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Was it enough?
  3. Do you have a mindfulness practice or a trick for bringing yourself back to the present moment?

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Shared on the GRAND Social and MLSTL.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

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  1. I loved the picture with this blog.❤️ The last thing I’ve tried new would be a different workout video. I slept pretty poorly last night. (Unfortunately I’ve yet to figure that one out.) Being with my grandkids really keeps me in the present, but I would love a mindful practice because I’m not always with them.

  2. New thing: I’m finishing up a short story. Other than an occasional work of fiction while in school, I’ve not tried to write a story like this. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it when I’m done, though. Sleep: Unfortunately, I’ve never been a good, regular sleeper. As I get older, it has become an even greater issue.

    1. Hello Janis. I love that you are writing a short story. I look forward to reading it–should you decide to make it public. Sleep seems to be a struggle for many of us. I’ve tried all (well, almost all) of the tips for a good night’s rest, but it doesn’t always work. Here’s to happy writing and restful nights!

  3. Thanks Christie for sharing this thoughtful essay at #MLSTL. Blogging keeps my life fresh and interesting, and brain cells working. I often research and study health and color energy information and am mindful to share the best with my readers. I am on the lookout for new adventures, and can’t wait for the next one to begin. Will share on SM. Be well, stay safe, and congrats on your work anniversary.

    1. Thank you Nancy. Like you, I’ve found blogging is a wonderful way to keep interested…a motivation to learn and connect. Happy adventures to you! Stay safe and have fun!

  4. I really love this post (well I don’t, because everything goes by in a flash). I’ve been talking to people about how lockdown really affected the 18-25 year olds. How the school leavers got their Uni experience cut short, and how they went from independant and party lifestyle back to being basically a 14 year old, because they had to go back home and couldn’t go out or see friends. A friend said their daughter had lost optimism and ambitian and I think it links to your post. We can see that life has ups and downs and the economy shrinks and grows but at 18, you just see that it’s collapsed. You can’t see that in a few years things will change.
    I love your solutions of seeing new things and doing new things…great post! #MLSTL

    1. That’s so interesting, Lydia. I have thought about how hard it is for the young adults to miss out on some of these rights of passage and also to be cut off physically from their friends, but I had not really thought about how–from their perspective–this is a significant period of their lifespan to this point. It will be interesting to see what they do with this experience in the future. Thanks for joining the conversation and sharing your thoughts.

  5. Congrats on your work anniversary Christie! Thank you for sharing the explanation about the perception of time and what we can do about it. Most recent new thing I tried: Baked a new recipe. I got about 7 hours of sleep last night. It was good. I practice meditation every day and check in with my 5 senses often to stay in the present. #MLSTL

    1. Thank you Natalie. It’s a great place to work, and I am happy that I have been able to work through the pandemic–albeit from home. It sounds like you’ve got the bases covered as far as time perception management. It’s been a while since I tried a new recipe. I’m going to that. Seven hours of sleep is my average, and I also meditate daily. We’re on the same page there! I hope you have a lovely day whatever you choose to do. Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation.

  6. Hi Christie, I have been learning about podcasts which I’m hoping to start. I’m a great believer in ‘use it or lose it’ for mind and body. Congratulations on 22 years with your current job. Time does fly but as long as we are making the most of every moment that is what really counts. Enjoy your week and thanks for linking up with us at #MLSTL. xx

    1. Hello Sue. You hit on the key: making the most of every moment. Good luck on your podcast. I look forward to listening. Thanks again for hosting the #MLSTL gathering! I look forward to it each week.

  7. Hi Christie. Thanks for the post! My most recent new thing is starting my blog. I’ve finally figured out how to sleep – life changing! I am still working on being in the moment 🙂

    1. Hi Debra! Starting a blog is a big thing. Congratulations! And figuring out sleep–that’s a game changer for sure! I dare say being in the moment is a work-in-progress for everyone. I know for me, some days I do better than others. I just keep trying. Here’s to more mindfulness for both of us!

    1. Hello Christine. I did find the explanations of everything that goes into our perception of time interesting. However, you’ve boiled it down to the most important ingredient: cherish each moment. Thanks!

  8. Hi Christie, in response to your questions: 1. My husband and I baked bread for the first time and we were like little kids we were so excited! Something as small as watching the dough rise and tasting it for the first time was really satisfying. 2. I’m a chronic insomniac so never feel like I get enough sleep. 3. I’m getting better at this. The time I spend walking the dog is usually when I’m most present in my thoughts, as I love enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and watching my dog meander, sniffing every tree. Thank you for your post, regards Christina

    1. Oh, Christina, isn’t there something wonderful about baking bread? I haven’t done it in a long time, but I think I need to. And I love that you are learning mindfulness from your dog. There is no better example of living in the moment, and with all of your senses, than a dog. Enjoy your week!

  9. This is really interesting Christie, the whole thing about staying open to newness – whether they be activities, tastes, whatever. I’m flirting with the idea of a podcast at he moment – whether I do more than flirt with it, I’m not sure, but at the moment I’m following my curiosity. #MLSTL

    1. I love the phrase “following my curiosity,” Joanne. That’s a lovely thing to do and a perfect way to experience new things. I will be interested to hear if you pursue the podcast. Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your “new thing.”

  10. I read a quote once that said “the days are long but the years are short” and that’s what life feels like for me atm Christie. Each day slides slowly by in a peaceful stream, but then I look back and months have disappeared, and years are zooming by. Interesting theory about including more new experiences so our brains perceive time differently – something I’m going to have to do some work on.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM ?

    1. That quote is pretty spot-on for those quieter periods of life, Leanne. I found it interesting in the articles I read, they pointed out that time flies when you are in the midst of doing things you love, or you are intent on new experiences…but if you are creating a lot of memories while doing it, when you look back on that time it will seem to have lasted longer. I’m not sure if I explained that very well, but hopefully you get the general idea. There is a difference between the perception of time in the moment and the perception of time when you look back. And often those two perceptions are inverse. Anyway…whatever you are doing in this moment, I hope you are enjoying it!

  11. So interesting! I’ve often thought about this. Why does time fly now? If I read this correctly, it’s because I’m getting old (LOL!) It really is fascinating and speaks to living in the moment and being as mindful as you can each day. Learn new things and keep life interesting. Great advice that we should all take to heart.

  12. Love that you brought the science into this! One thing that I’ve noticed, isolation has really limited my trying new things. I track them, since I have a yearly goal of 101 new things. And since isolation, the rate of putting things on that list has drastically slowed. Sleep is something I’ve never has a long-term issue with…. a few nights here and there, but usually I’m a good sleeper! Mindfulness … a work in progress. Right now, I’m trying to not let the mindfulness of the moment focus on what I’m missing.

    1. Hello Pat. I love that you are focused on trying new things. I can imagine it is more difficult when you are limited as to where you can go and what you can do. When it comes to sleeping, you are one of the lucky few it seems from reading these responses and those on a post I wrote some time ago about sleeping well. It seems to be a common challenge. I dare say mindfulness is another challenge for most people, or at least a work in progress. I don’t know anyone who “has arrived” at a state of complete mindfulness. A wise sensei once told me that’s why it’s called mindfulness practice. ??

  13. I like the way you lay this out. And it makes sense. Most recent thing I learned? How to record a service on You Tube and paste the link to the church Facebook pages and email the links. All of that was foreign to me prior to the COVID19 shutdown. Also recorded on a different format, and uploaded to YouTube, to complete the process above. I am average 7-8 hours of sleep a night and on occasions I nap. I am very happy with that because for some people as they age they have trouble sleeping. That is seldom me. Mindfulness is important. It is something I try to practice, but I am easily distractible.

    1. Congrats on your new skills, Michele. I admit technology is sometimes a bit scary for me, and then I’m so proud when I figure something out! Seven to eight hours of sleep a night sounds lovely. I do aim for seven, but think my body could use eight. I’m never quite ready to get up when the alarm goes off. Mindfulness practice is definitely a work-in-progress for most of us. Good luck to you with yours!

  14. A great read Christie! You’ve explained really well how time is flying especially the comparison for a 10 year old boy and a 54 year old woman! I like to try new things and push myself outside of my comfort zone as it helps me feel current. I’ve been trying yoga recently and online sessions which are a great way to stay active during isolation. I sleep well most nights. I try to sit still as a form of mindfulness and just be. #mlstl

    1. Thanks Deb. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is great. I think it keeps you vibrant and excited about life. I’ve heard from a few people now who do online yoga. I may have to give it a try. I’m still doing some yoga DVDs that I bought more than a decade ago. And, I have to say, it’s funny I was just thinking that everyone says they struggle with sleep. Now you are the third person in a row that said they sleep well most of the time. That’s good to hear. I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy whatever life brings you.

    1. Hello Leslie and welcome. Your blog series sounds like a great way to keep learning and trying new things. Of course, spending time with the grandchildren is wonderful too! Enjoy every minute!

  15. Hi Christie, this is a great topic and thank you for answering some of our questions! I do try to learn new things often. The most recent is learning enough of the Romanian language to manage in the shops while we’re here. I don’t sleep enough for various reasons, but fortunately I’m able to take a nap whenever I want to because I’m not working. Time is going much faster than before, but I’m doing my best to fill this time with meaningful and fun activities! 🙂

    1. Is Romanian a difficult language to learn? I guess it would help that you are surrounded by it, still… Have I told you how impressed I am with your sense of adventure? Whatever you do today, enjoy each moment!

  16. I wouldn’t say Romanian is difficult to learn, but then again I’m not really learning it in the true sense. Just trying to make my life easier while I’m here. I’ve found it’s easy to read though, it has similarities to French, and Italian (although I don’t speak Italian) and knowing other languages is often a help with learning/understanding a new one. Thank you for your kind words, Christie, I hope to continue the adventure for a long time to come! You too, enjoy each moment! 🙂 x

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