Happy Monday! Episode 4

Harness the power of music


Good morning and happy Monday! We’ve reached week four in this venture. I hope if you are not yet in love with Mondays, you at least feel like you’re developing some tools to better cope with them.

If you’re still struggling, never fear, this week I’m bringing out the big guns. I’m going to share with you the most powerful legally-attainable mood-enhancing substance I know of. Don’t worry, it won’t cause a hangover or any other unpleasant side effects. It is slightly addictive, but in this case that’s a good thing.

So what is this miracle drug? It’s music.

Music is so powerful, in fact, that it has become a part of virtually every celebration or ceremony in every culture. Think about it…birthdays, graduations, weddings, funerals…they all incorporate music. Because music is so good at putting us in touch with our emotions and even intensifying them.

I’m sure you’ve operated under music’s influence already, sometimes without even realizing it. You know, when that song comes on and your body starts moving almost involuntarily. You might get a big goofy smile on your face, or if you’re working out, you start pushing a little harder. Music affects us that way.

So why not harness that power and intentionally put it to work for us, boosting our spirits or shifting negative energy in a more positive direction? This week’s assignment, if you will, is to create a positive playlist, a playlist of the songs that spark your spirit and put a smile on your face.

Of course, everyone’s list will be different, but just to get you thinking, some of the songs on my positive playlist are Glorious, Fight Song, I am Invincible…songs that make me feel strong and motivated. Then I also have some that just make me smile, like You Always Make Me Smile and Don’t Worry, Be Happy. The trick is to choose songs that speak to you, that lift you up.

Once you have your playlist put together—and by the way, I’d name it something that makes you happy, so that even selecting the playlist puts a smile on your face—then listen to that playlist every morning, either while you’re getting ready for work, or during your commute, or when you arrive at the office…maybe all three! In fact, play that list anytime you feel your mood or your energy level sagging throughout the day. And see if it doesn’t make a difference.

If it doesn’t…you’re dead inside. I’m just kidding. If it doesn’t, mix up the songs on your list. Watch for times when music naturally lifts you and make note of those songs. Add them to your list. Just keep working at it until you arrive at a combination that does the trick for you.

That’s it for today. Thanks to everyone who has shared and liked these videos, helping me spread the word that Mondays can be happy too. I sincerely appreciate it. Have a great day. Enjoy your week, and I’ll see you next Monday!

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  1. Yay!! Guess who has just rediscovered music? Yuppers, tis so. I have just rediscovered how much I love music. And singing. Have downloaded Spotify and made a quick first playlist but want to create more thoughtful playlists now. Feisty Females. Mellow Fellows.

    Your voice is so pleasant and your messages are making Monday my favorite day of the week.

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