Friday favorites: fantastic from start to finish

Friday favorites: fantastic from start to finish

This week was fantastic from start to finish. Starting with my beautiful nails by Meghan (Tiramisu and Rose Glitter) and my new book. My sisters and I are reading this book together–an online book club! Saturday was the Girls on the Run 5K Celebration. It was so fantastic, I did a whole blog post about…

Girls on the Run is so much fun!

Girls on the Run is so much fun!

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” — Marilyn Monroe This past Saturday was the annual Girls on the Run 5k celebration. The GOTR 5k is so much more than a race—it is truly a celebration of the girls—their strengths and accomplishments—and the people who love and support them. My…

Friday favorites: these are a few of my favorite things

Friday favorites: these are a few of my favorite things

Another week of good food, family time, and fickle Mother Nature. These are a few of my favorite things from this week. Starting with the first barbecue of the year. Thanks Larry! Spending Mother’s Day with some of the people I love most. And this lovely gift, hand-painted by my Saira Bear. (How appropriate that…

What should I do about Mother’s Guilt?

What should I do about Mother’s Guilt?

Sunday was Mother’s Day—a fact that you are probably well aware of, if the statistics are any indication. More phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. These holiday chats with Mom often cause phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent. In the U.S., $21.2 billion…

Friday favorites: feeling the love

Friday favorites: feeling the love

I love Friday favorites, because it’s a chance to focus on all of the little happy moments that occurred during the week. And there was a lot to love about this week. What’s not to love about getting your nails done–especially a beautiful baby blue! You know I love running outdoors, especially when the weather…

Common causes of an eye twitch

Common causes of an eye twitch

I have an eye twitch—have had for three days now. The lower lid on my right eye twitches for a couple of seconds every few minutes. It’s pretty much driving me crazy, so I did what any normal person would do—I Googled “common causes of an eye twitch.” Because, you know, Googling an ailment is…

10 reasons I love to run and think you might too

10 reasons I love to run and think you might too

There are countless reasons why I run, but here are the top 10 reasons I love to run and why I think you might too. I can eat more. Anyone who knows me knows I love to eat—sweets, salty snacks, bread, potatoes, rice, fruits, veggies, meat—you name it, I probably like it. Being physically active…

Friday favorites: cabin life and more

Friday favorites: cabin life and more

Another week has zipped by, and it’s time once again for the Friday Favorites blog post. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. And in case you’re wondering, here’s my idea of fun. We got Larry a new chair for Hawkes Landing. So no more of this. (Notice he did not let go…

Friday favorites: top 10 magnificent moments

Friday favorites: top 10 magnificent moments

This week was full of wonderful moments. Here are the top 10–not in order of magnificence, because I couldn’t possibly choose, so in chronological order… 1. This was the view on my drive to work Friday morning. I love the way the clouds are sitting on the mountains. It was so beautiful, I had to…

Run, run as fast as you can

Run, run as fast as you can

This week starts my official training for the Utah Valley 10K. This year, my sister Cindy is running it with me, and I am super excited. I typically use a Hal Higdon training program, and like most programs, his stop just shy of the race distance. In other words, for a 10K, the last long…