Why everyone needs a “Hawkes Landing”

Why everyone needs a “Hawkes Landing”

What is a Hawkes Landing you ask and why do I need one? Hawkes Landing is the name we have given our home away from a home — a cabin nestled in the mountain above the charming Swiss-inspired town of Midway. Of course, when I say everyone needs one, I am not suggesting you all…

He who has mastered himself is mightier still

He who has mastered himself is mightier still

What better time to make a fresh start than spring—the season of new beginnings? So you’ve forgotten all about your New Year’s goals. Who cares? This is the new beginning—the first day of the rest of your life, and all that jazz. Of course, “new beginning” indicates that we will do something different this time….

How to live with an introvert

How to live with an introvert

Or more accurately “How to live with an Introvert Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) Personality.” I recently took a free online personality test (the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™), and learned I’m an INFJ. As I was reading the description (which felt eerily accurate), it struck me that I may not always be the easiest person to…

Friday favorites: fitness, food, and furniture

Friday favorites: fitness, food, and furniture

My week was full–full with fitness, food, family, and furniture! It started with fitness. I renewed my yearly membership at the Park Center in Murray. I have to say I love this place. It is perfectly situated between my office and my home; it is well-maintained; the staff is friendly; and there is an indoor…

What is your why?

What is your why?

Many of you know that I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I lost 25 pounds and have managed to keep it off (give or take five pounds) for more than 10 years now. Here is my observation. Losing weight is exciting—challenging and maddening, yes—but never boring. Maintaining weight, on the other hand, while…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha It’s Valentine’s Day—the day we celebrate love and, therefore, a most fitting day to revisit the kindness challenge. A couple of weeks ago, we made a list of 10 kind acts we would do for others this winter. Today…

My heroes!

My heroes!

Now on to this week’s topic: Creating Your Best Life. It’s been a while since we’ve done any of the exercises from this book by Caroline Adams Miller and Dr. Michael B. Frisch, so I thought it was time. Do you have a goal you’re working on? Maybe you set a New Year’s Resolution, and…

Kindness — a cure for the winter blues

Kindness — a cure for the winter blues

If you ask me (and let’s pretend you did), Utah actually has five seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Wonderland, and Winter Blahs. We are now deep in the heart of Winter Blahs—the time of year when it’s easy to get the blues and difficult to get motivated. After years of scientific research (or possibly just…

Friday favorites: life’s little pleasures

Friday favorites: life’s little pleasures

January can be a let-down. The holidays are over. The weather is cold. The days are short. But January is also a time of new beginnings, fresh starts. And life is full of little pleasures. Putting the tree away and cleaning the house after Christmas always feels good to me. The chaos is over. Order is…